Friday, August 20, 2010


So we have mastered the SNAP and GRID settings of AutoCAD. And by the time you must have got a fair idea of Limits as well. If not, don’t worry, we will come back to it later…

Today we will try to understand next FOUR tabs ORTHO, POLAR, OTRACK and DYN, i.e. Dynamic Input. These FOUR tabs are correlated and hence needs to be addressed simultaneously.

Alright now, click on the ORTHO tab or press F8 once and you will turn on the ORTHO mode. In ORTHO mode you will be able to draw lines only in X and Y direction i.e. horizontal and vertical. This mode ensures that no angular, incline or non-ortho line is drawn. This is great when you want to work with orthographic objects only and don’t want to leave any room for mistake.

Note – There is no ‘setting’ for ORTHO just turn it ON and OFF by pressing F8.

Next is Polar tab which, unlike ORTHO, allows the user to draw lines at desired angles and even set the angles. This can be turned on and off by pressing F10. To adjust the settings, right-click on the tab and click on ‘settings’. This will open the Drafting Settings dialogue box, common for Snap and Grid, Polar Tracking, Object Snap and Dynamic Input. In the Polar Tracking tab, you have options for –

1. Turning Polar Tracking On and OFF

2. Polar Angle Settings with incremental angle and additional Angles
  • Increment Angle sets the polar increment angle used to display polar tracking alignment paths. You can enter any angle, or select a common angle of 90, 45, 30, 22.5, 18, 15, 10, or 5 degrees from the list.
  • Additional Angles makes any additional angles in the list available for polar tracking. Additional angles are absolute, not incremental.
  • List of Angles lists the additional angles that are available. To add new angles, click New. To remove existing angles, click Delete. ‘New’ adds up to 10 additional polar tracking alignment angles. ‘Delete’ deletes selected additional angles.

3. Object Snap Tracking Settings sets options for object snap tracking.

  • Track Orthogonally Only displays only orthogonal (horizontal/vertical) object snap tracking paths for acquired object snap points when object snap tracking is on.
  • Track Using All Polar Angle Settings applies polar tracking settings to object snap tracking. When you use object snap tracking, the cursor tracks along polar alignment angles from acquired object snap points.

4. Polar Angle Measurement sets the basis by which polar tracking alignment angles are measured.

  • Absolute bases polar tracking angles on the current user coordinate system (UCS).
  • Relative to Last Segment bases polar tracking angles on the last segment drawn.

Dynamic Input tab controls pointer input, dimension input, dynamic prompting, and the appearance of drafting tooltips.

  • Enable Pointer Input turns on pointer input. When pointer input and dimensional input are both turned on, dimensional input supersedes pointer input when it is available.
  • Pointer Input displays the location of the crosshairs as coordinate values in a tooltip near the cursor. When command prompts for a point, you can enter coordinate values in the tooltip instead of on the command line.
  • Dimension Input displays a dimension with tooltips for distance value and angle value when a command prompts for a second point or a distance. The values in the dimension tooltips change as you move the cursor. You can enter values in the tooltip instead of on the command line.
  • Dynamic Prompts displays prompts in a tooltip near the cursor when necessary in order to complete the command. You can enter values in the tooltip instead of on the command line.

Drafting Tooltip Appearance displays the Tooltip Appearance dialog box.

Note – OTRACK tab is an alternative for Polar Tracking and can be used to set Polar Tracking. Phew! It is quite a list, isn’t it? But don’t panic, you can go at your own pace to understand it all in detail. Secondly, exercise is a best option for getting acquainted with newly learned tools. Go ahead and try to draw at least 5 lines with each setting we have just learned. You should have at least 50 lines that will comprise your Assignment2.

Tomorrow we will talk about OSANP, stay tuned…!

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